Quotes by S

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  • * ( YoU dOn'T kNoW wHaT yOu GoT 'tIL iT's GoNe
    sO dOn'T eVeR hEsItAtE tO TeLL sOmEoNe HoW yOu FeEl...cUz WhEn YoUr FiNaLLy ReAdY, iT mIgHt Be ToO lAtE...) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( i WaNt To KeEp On LiViNg
    BuT dEaTh Is [L][u][R][i][N][g] mE iN
    I'vE [l][O][s][T] aLL hOpE, aLL sTrEnGtH
    I'm DiEiNg FrOm WiThIn ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( iF i CoUlD hOlD oN
    tHrOuGh ThE tEaRs
    & ThE lAuGhTeR
    wOuLd It Be BeAuTiFuL
    oR jUsT a
    B e A u T i F u L d I s A s T e R ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( I'vE mAdE mIsTaKeS So MaNy TiMeS
    i'Ve ReGrEtTeD AlOt Of ThInGs In mY lIfE
    ThRoUgHoUt EvErYtHiNg I'vE lEt MySeLf Do
    I nEvEr ReGrEt FaLLiNg In LoVe WiTh YoU ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( LeAvE tHeSe UsElEsS iLLuSiOnS bEhInG & rUn WiTh Me.. ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( cUz LaTeLy
    I'vE bEeN tHiNkINg
    MaYbE tHaT [n][O] [o][N][e]['S]
    GoInG tO sAvE mE..
    i'LL dO iT oN mY [o][W][n].. ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( i'M nOt DeAf & aLL i HeAr ArE yOuR eMpTy PrOmIsEs ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( i WoNt DaRe MoVe
    FoR tHe [P][a][I][n] He PuTs Me ThRoUgH
    iS wHaT i NeEd
    So MaKe It BleEd ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( yOuR fUtUrE iS lIkE fOoTpRiNtS, iN pAtHs Of pUrE WhItE sNoW.
    Be CaReFuL hOw YoU tReAt It, FoR eVeRy StEp WiLL sHoW ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( pAtCh Me Up WiTh OnE mOrE lInE )*

    19 years ago
    0 0