Quotes by S

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  • * ( tHe LiVeS Of WhIcH wE lIvE oUr LiVeS aRe FiLLeD wItH hApPy MoMeNtS aLtHoUgH tHe DePrEsSiOn OvEr WhElMs Us & wE aRe [B][l][I][n][D][e][D] bY ThE sAdNeSs ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( eXpIeRiEnCe Is A hArD tEaChEr
    ShE gIvEs ThE [t][E][s][T][s] FiRsT
    & tHe [L][e][S][s][O][n][S] lAtEr ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0

  • * ( LaY bEsIdE mE & lIStEn OuT tHe WaLL
    wE'll KeEp On [L][y][I][n][G] uNtIl ThE sUmMeR
    i HaD a DrEaM aBoUt YoU aGaIn
    WhErE yOu DrIvE mY cAr [R][i][G][h][T] [o][F][f] ThE F**kInG cLiFf ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( yOuNg & sTuPiD
    LeFt WiDe OpEn
    LiVeS aRe [w][A][s][T][e][D]
    hEaRtS aRe [B][r][O][k][E][n] ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( i NeVeR tHoUgHt It'D bE u & mE
    So WhAt Do We Do?
    i TeLL i I'm AfRaId JuSt LiKe U
    BuT bY tHe TiMe We'Re DoNe ThInKiNg...
    iT's GoNe ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( i WiSh GoD wOuLd HuRrT uP & sEnD fOr Me
    Or eLsE i'LL hAvE tO tUrN uP uNaNnOuNcEd ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( To FaCe ThIs Sh*t On OuR oWn..WeLL sWeEtIe, I gUeSs ThIs Is GrOwInG uP... ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( wHeN [i] [N][e][E][d]Ed YoU tHe MoSt
    WhEn I nEeDeD a FrIeNd
    [y][O][u] LeT mE dOwN nOw
    LiKe I lEt YoU dOwN tHeN ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( i NeVeR tHoUgHt It'D bE yOu & mE
    sO wHaT dO wE dO?
    I tElL yOu I'm [A][f][R][a][I][d] JuSt LiKe YoU,
    BuT bY tHe TiMe wE'rE dOnE tHiNkInG...
    iT's GoNe ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • * ( tHe UnKnOwN tRuTh Of WiSdOm LiEs SoLeY iN tHe HeArT oF aN iLLtReAtEd ChIlD wHoSe WoUnDs MaY hEaL & hEaRt MaY sEaL bUt MeMoRiEs wIlL nEvEr DiE... ) *

    19 years ago
    0 0