Quotes by AngelOfDeath

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  • My tears still come, at a rapid pace.
    I still can't stand to see your face.
    I can't believe what you have done.
    Trust me, this was not fun.
    You told me you loved me.
    But that was a lie.
    So now, forget you, I'll find a better guy...

    13 years ago
    0 0
  • Tears silently streak down my cheeks,
    They go unnoticed.
    It might surprise people to know how I really feel,
    Unhappy, depressed, angry, and hurt.
    I am not going to rant,
    I'm going to continue on.
    What else can I do?

    13 years ago
    0 0
  • And I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
    But right when I think I'm escaping,
    I get pulled back in by all my fears and worries...

    13 years ago
    0 0
  • Okay,
    So I think that I might have a chance.
    He is leading me on,
    In a good way?
    He already says "I love you"
    So I'm looking forward to this one(:

    13 years ago
    0 0
  • Did I really get my hopes up for this?
    It's really a shame.
    I was hoping for a hug&kiss.
    You turned out to be lame.
    So I'm back at the start.
    Restarting my chances.

    13 years ago
    0 0
  • So I'm getting my hopes up again.
    I really don't know why.
    So I'm really hoping he is still that loving guy.
    I really hope that is true.
    Because without you,
    There is no me.

    13 years ago
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  • You told me that you loved me,
    But that was a while ago.
    I keep wishing that your feelings would come again.
    But I'm always mistaken.
    I pick up on the wrong hints,
    And I make my own mistakes.
    But that's me,
    Take it or leave it..

    13 years ago
    0 0
  • Please tell me that you love me,
    Because that's all I want in life.
    I want you back.
    You might be a jerk, and a retard.
    But all I know is,
    You turn me on...

    13 years ago
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  • & with tears in my eyes
    I still wish you the best.
    With tears down my cheeks
    I hope you are okay.
    But with a pain in my chest
    I wish for you back.
    But everyone knows that's not gunna happen...

    13 years ago
    0 0
  • Just when i think I've got things figured out,
    I find something to get my hopes up for.
    And even though I know it will end in tears,
    I still fight for it.
    And some day, I hope I will learn,
    That everything is not as good as it seems.

    13 years ago
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