I love not knowing just what to say...
The words not coming... no not today...
Why i love you...
You ask me why I love you...
Sitting here thinking... it's hard to believe...
Your heart is so tender... your love my...
Make a wish upon my star...
of hope and love and faith by far...
A heart is for passion and love so intense...
That life joins two people... eternal suspense...
Thine heart, she dreams of a love so grand...
A passion of faith... in the soul of this man...
If thine love were mine to cherish..
If thine heart were meant for me...
A fathers love is heaven sent..
A rainbows shine of rain spent...
Sometimes I'm happy just knowing your there...
Knowing the magic... your fingers they bare...
Three sweet words... they come from you...
Poetic in nature... simple and true...
The day has yet to pass...
But my heart grows weak and weary...