Quotes by Lor

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  • You always have been my friend. It'll take alot to change that

    [[I Only Just Realised How It Feels To Have Your Heart Ripped Out]]

    17 years ago
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  • I loved you more than anything & the saddest thing is that you never will know what you meant to me. Coz you never gave me the chance to tell you.

    17 years ago
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  • They always said that life was never fair. But they never did mention that it was cruel.

    17 years ago
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  • A butterfly came floating by and i thought i knew its face,
    it landed on my shoulder and spread its wings of lace.
    I looked and saw its smiling as it winked and flew away.
    I'm sure i heard it whisper 'we'll meet again one day'

    17 years ago
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  • Sometimes, you have to run away from what you want most in the world, to stand a chance of getting it.

    17 years ago
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  • D R y
    your eyes
    c L e a R
    your mind
    you juss gotta take it
    o N e _ D a Y
    at a time
    dust off your
    H e a R t
    take it off the
    s H e L f
    you gotta ..
    R e M e M b e R
    L o V e

    17 years ago
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  • There is something Ive been meaning to say,
    I cant stop thinking about you everyday,
    I have feelings for you I cant explain,
    I feel that I have fallen again,
    youre on my mind day & night,
    being with you feels so right.

    17 years ago
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  • Go away
    Give me a chance to miss you
    Say goodbye
    It'll make me want to kiss you

    17 years ago
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  • And it's alright to pretend that we still talk
    It's just for show isn't it
    It's my fault that it fell apart

    17 years ago
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  • I tried to take the pain away by finding someone [ new ]
    buh then i realized, there`s ( no one ) compared to you<3
    && even if i look around pretending not to cry
    i`ll always go back to the day you said g o o d - b y e

    17 years ago
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