I walk across a frozen pond in hope of falling in. But I never do :( |
It would be more easy kill myself now when im sad and alone. Than living a whole life that way then dying. |
The only friends I have in life are animals. Sadly even they run away when I get close. |
They say don't think about the bad things in the past...But how can I? When all the problems still going on in the present... |
Common Sense:means the opposite of the thing you're trying to do... |
Look at all your empty pill bottles for depression. Do you really have depression, or do you have problems in life making you sad? Depression and sadness not the same... |
Your life flashes before your eyes when you die. Sucks how the world had to make me sad one more time before I die... |
"There's always light at end of the tunnel" Hmm...when I got to end of that tunnel I all seen was a road closed sign with a light on it flashing. |
Every night I shut my eyes then open them making a wish on first star I see. It falls and burns in to darkness of the universe :( |
No longer need a flash light at night. Don't care if something attacks me. |