Boy: You aren't the only reason I smile. |
One of the best gift you can give to a woman is to show her that SHE MATTERS♥ |
Fake Hair, Fake Nails , Fake Tan , Fake Eye Lashes ..... &They Wonder Why They Can't Find a Real Man :P |
She tried to tell him how she felt. How for so many hours, she cried her heart out. But he just ignored her and walked on by♥ |
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"I don't like you!" "why!! :'( </3" |
I asked God to stop the pain he did grant my wish but now, I'm here acting so idiotic asking God to give back the pain, cause I feel so numb I don't feel anything anymore, I want the old me the "so dramatic and emotional" :( |
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It's so funny when I hear myself laugh like a baby then I laugh more :P |