As I wait and float in the midst of fore-noon...
I can see her swaggering slowly walking toward me...
I just thought I'm at home, far away from my own;
At home with too many brothers 'n sisters...
She was very rude in her words and expressions,
As if, a type of neglect and damn-care situation...
Manarat is a Spirit
Manarat is a Message...
The roses are not enough to pay homage
on your Seventy Fifth birthday...
I found it like a nightmare
All dark and somber around me...
It's my fourth trip to London within about nine...
I like the City as it's now and its fabulous past...
I was walking from Limehouse towards White...
Across Stepney Green park in a windy evening...
I was thinking about the #wildfire that swallowed
the forests in Australia...