Why is it you can stand so tall and be so perfectly fine, when I am barley making it to my knees? Do you miss me at all? |
For once I wish you could just see me when I am falling apart... |
My ability to screw things up just gets better and better.. |
Friends are enemies wearing masks and time is there exposing cracks. |
Love passionatley; Laugh when all else fails; And live because it is the only thing you have control of. <3 |
Dear heart... please stop breaking.. |
It hurts to look at you. It hurts to talk to you. I kills me to lift my chin and say I'm fine.. |
It took forever to convince my self I was over you. That I was better off without you. And now here you are in front of me; standing there in the casual way that you do and suddenly I am not so sure I can really ever be convinced. |
And if I fall again, please dont make me regret it. I'm tired of hurting; I want to smile. So if this is gonna happen, don't let me be wrong all over again... |
Why is it that I can be doing just fine, and then one smiple thing you say makes all these feelings return along with all the pain? That after so much time spent telling myself I'm over you, you still have the abilty to make me fall all over again? |