The problem lay not in the facade of a building but in the facade of an inherent fear that deters understanding. |
Most people say all they want in life is world peace but all I want is a toaster that has been designed big enough to fit most types of bread. If we can solve the toaster problem, we can solve all the world's problems. |
When land is valued more than people, when property is valued more than people, when the smallest thing such as a mobile phone is valued more than people, is it not any wonder why people do not value people? |
Infinity is the blackboard, we are the chalk. |
If every country scrapped investing money into arms and on defence, no one would have to go hungry, no one would be homeless, no able person would be unemployed and most of all, the world would be a step closer to peace. |
Death may win the last fight, but remember you have beaten death so many times that it's only fair to let it have one victory over you. |
Authority and fear are two things that I bring down and deal with on a man-to-man level. |
It can be taken by punishment and force, liberally, by fine and a community slap or chaotically - where anything can happen. Either way it will be taken and which way it is taken, you shall decide! |
Family is not blood, it's who is there for you in your best and worst of times. |
No one should ever interpret their dreams as being something that prescribes purpose in life as the majority of my dreams have never ended that well for me. |