Love,s exterior its beautiful but interior its full of confusion |
I refuse to be forgotten by the people who have once shed a tear because of me |
People this days are so fake they say"im so happy to see you here"while in their hearts they wish you would disarppear |
Time Passes and things do change from a little,is either you change for the better or the worst |
At the end of every finish line of a problem is a start of a new race to another |
Life is a puzzle every problem has a solution but hidden to those who believe in themselves,and unfold to those who believe in christ. |
Is better to be hurt with the truth than to be comforted with lies |
FriEND,girlfriEND,boyfriEND all have an end except family |
Love is not gazing at each other with passion but looking in same direction. |
Life is like nintendo if you fail three attempts you have to start all over again. |