Poems by ChildofGod87

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  • Pride (1)

    When a person caught in the Performance Trap...
    ^plz comment/rate...

  • Read me a story..
    that ends with happiness...

  • I seen him, today with the gorgeous brown eyes...
    I see the spark that you gave me, and you try not...

  • ~!~I want to see your eyes the way you look at...
    ~!~I want you to come up to me, and talk to me...

  • Touch me like you never
    touch me before...

  • I could say that I don't understand you!
    I could say that I don't care...

  • My Hun (1)

    I see him every day and night..
    I see that he has stress on his mind...

  • Crying...
    Trying to became happy...

  • Guarding Angel
    I hope your with me...

  • *!*Dedication 2 Eric G.*!*
    Comes and embraces...

  • Angel raises with my soul
    Turn my heart to a kind heart of gold...

  • Dancing through the night away
    Praying that he would be there...