When you let go of someone & they come back, it can be by phone call,in person, message...it doesn't matter the way they pick. What matters is that you crossed there mind and they went back...especially when you told them to stay out of ur life<3 |
In 5 years, the only person i've let into my heart is my ex. I may be young, but im not stupid. I know our love is true, and hes worth the risk again<3 |
Confession: I'm head over heels crazy in love with you, and after everything you still mean the world to me<3 |
Everything she feels is in her eyes, everything she wants to say is in her heart, and all she wants is to do is to back in your arms<3 |
I miss you, |
&& Again i fell for your lies, again you made me look like a fool, but this time i swear is the last. I hate you and you'll never fool me again</3 |
You know those girls, the broken beyond repair. The ones who have been hurt so bad they don't care anymore... Yea I'm now one of those girls </3 |
&& How can person be so cruel, to just keep on hurting you, come back and just hurt you some more. |
&& On my wrist, a place where your initials once used to be, is a big x </3 |
I spilled my heart out to you, and what do you do? Rebreak it, but this time you broke it to the point, i can never fix it </3 |