Favorite Poems of P o e m e l o

  • Insect (6) 2

    by Kakera

    My head has become clockwork...

  • At night (12) 8

    by Michael

    ..where shadows of the moon,
    shimmer in the breeze. The lake...

  • Back then (12) 6 HM

    by Michael

    I do recall, when life was sweet
    we’d play hop-scotch upon the street...

  • as nightfall comes and so I dream
    my sleep beholds a vivid scene...

  • Petrichor (4) 1

    by Unknown

    I tried to bottle a whiff of you
    last night while you...

  • Abditory (5) 3

    by Aegis

    I want to hug you until my
    arms become a vice...

  • Migration (5) 4

    by Aegis

    I was a forgotten ugly duckling
    that found shelter under...

  • Butterfly Wings (7) 6

    by Biancas Veil

    To hear a butterfly sing,
    You need only be silent...

  • Tonight I'll murder you the literate way
    riding a sword of words...

  • If I could find all of the smiles from all our...
    then I would put them into piles, soak them in...

  • Magnetic North (7) 4 HM

    by Aegis

    When I was blind
    I thought she was a map...

  • Dear Reader (15) 15 WIN

    by Aegis

    Dear reader,
    My tongue has...

  • Unrequited Love (19) 12

    by Milly Hayward

    Gentle dove with crystal breath
    with plumes that touch my heart...

  • Lost moments (29) 33 WIN

    by Milly Hayward

    Music pulls tightly at my soul
    follows me out as I stroll...

  • Stars (30) 35

    by mossgirl19

    Jewels in the sky, cure to lonely hearts silently...
    Ever so distant, but so close, so near upon a...

  • In homage - splicer of Aladdin's reel;
    a bow, beneath the centered piece so drawn...