Poems by Aireus Kayne

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  • Rip me open, navel to chin,
    Let my smoking guts spill out...

  • As this year comes to a close
    So comes the event that everyone knows...

  • Cold as steel underneath my broken skin
    My soul? My conscience? Or just my sin...

  • Blank. My mind is not but my expression is.
    i give you no clue as to this...

  • The simple are evident.
    The average are plain...

  • It

    No longer important. It's been cast aside.
    Told it's still needed...

  • My mind I've kept caged in this house of glass
    Trying to keep it under constant watch and check...

  • A titan. A god. A being above all.
    He held the weak upon his back...

  • The larger plan eludes them all
    I've set them all in place...

  • So many of you have begged for me
    to reveal myself in entirety...

  • Hating the people.
    Hating their face...

  • Angel's round me, beg me stay
    Yet I know not if I will...