Everyone's leavin me, letting go, or just watching me fall. and the thing that hurts the most is that they're the ones who said they'd always be there. |
How can you understand something that's never happened to you? |
I fight the urge to text you |
A guy can make a girl cry easy |
You are my strength when im weak |
You give me little hints,you call me gorgeous, i give you little hints and call you handsome, why not go for it. why not go for us, we have nothing to loose, we shouldn't hide it, its inspiration to others.... its us:) |
Remember your promise, |
I knew when i first met you something was diffrent, special, u put the light in my eyes, you make me brighter than all the stars in the sky! |
Everytime you smile at me ( which is pretty often) i think to myself, wow i cant believe god created such a beautiful and perfect smile. |
When i saw u i was afraid to meet you, when i met you i was afriad to tell you, im falling for you and you have no idea, i want you to be mine, but how do i tell you? |