Favorite Poems of amanda

  • Try to write a poem worth reading,
    Worth an average person to give...

  • Childhood (11)

    by Xanthe


  • The Ventriloquist (2)

    by Poet on the Piano

    I troop past beer-and-sandle
    stars, hoping to escalade...

  • When Maple Cries (6)

    by Maple Tree

    Crawling into darkness,
    to the farthest part of my mind...

  • Envious People (3)

    by Khalid M Darwish

    Angry fire, hungry,
    when lacking what to engulf...

  • A Friday Night in Malk St. (6) 1

    by nouriguess

    Do you see the lights, grandpa? See
    them? They're...

  • Ravenousness (20) 4 WIN

    by Jenni

    Whenever you nestle up against
    your coffee cup and undress me...

  • Germaine (14) 3 HM

    by Xanthe

    She stole Mona Lisa's smile, painted it
    with Monet's sunset and hid it beneath...

  • Questionnaire (8)

    by Karla

    Take off my veil
    and dress the universe...

  • I appreciate a round of musical chairs,
    sitting unembarrassedly on the edge...

  • My dearest darling, I write in regret
    my time has come but please do not fret...

  • Circadian (17) 9 WIN

    by Xanthe

    Before the dawn, I always wake up to find
    last night's dreams sleeping beneath my pillow...

  • Green Fields (23) 2


    Green Fields
    Green fields where I long to be...

  • Crabs (23) 11 WIN

    by silvershoes

    It was a decade ago at the bay of youth.
    We ventured to salty waters on stony shores...

  • Power of a Kiss (13)

    by Unknown

    Lightning strikes 'gainst lips,
    defibrillator, now please...

  • Insomnia (8)

    by Khalid M Darwish

    Insomnia, is what I used to have
    and tears, accompanied with yearning, welling up...