A 10 minute challenge for Club, finish time from...
A dream is still a dream even to the one that...
A string breaks upon a guitar and you mend it with...
The musing and the bellowing out the chorus door,
By the deep somber tune of the cello...
Our hearts and fears were made to fade throughout...
Our sight still remains on a cup of exultation...
Remember when you laughed for the first time?
I made a silly face and tickled your belly...
Its not so much fun now is it?
Running, is never much fun...
To war we go again,
Deep in the enemies land we begin...
I myself even I,
Watching the distopian view...
The days are short and the time is drawn to a...
Everything ends...
--Originally was going to post as two separate...
Its the lie you tell yourself to stay alive...
Most importantly I find that life in its...
Is imbued with deception...
Done for a challenge...