&& iThouqt you careed Bud NO. |
BOI ; ie want to call ui so badly & tell ui iloveyou & id doesnt matter how ie love ui or how ui love me ; all that matters is that icare about you & dont want to loose ui , <3 |
& you can spend Minutes, Hours , Days ,Weeks & months Fixsinq ah sitchuation tryinq to put the peices toqether thinkinq what will happen or what could happen or you can jus leave everythinq behind & move th fcukon ; |
; why do u want me 4 ? because you know im qonna fall aqain & have another broken heart ? |
Imiss you, iloveyou .ineed you but theres somethinq bowt me thad CANT have you .. |
Geees BOI ; |
; thinqs are diffrent now, Hours havee qone & daays havee passed ; you knew we wudnt make id last so look whats happnd ids u to blame i stood ub for m'mistakes & -im totaly sorry , |
; WHY did you havee to doo thhs ? waait tilll iFall for you theen huurt mee ; iMiss you maan, do u understand hw mujch id hurds ; |
& people would always say . Yous are ah qreat couple yous look so haapy toqether ; |
; sadist thinq abou ah brakub isd havinq to explain & qo on & on too your Family & friends what happend , & they ask to mani qwestins id breaks ur heart more & more, |