Poems by Timothy

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  • Through the years, I thought it was good, thought...
    My rock, my pedestal, Gibraltar for infinity...

  • How do you gage decades of remaining at your post...
    Seeing the future that all see, but remaining a...

  • I am still here,
    Wondering about the time...

  • You are afraid, not sure,
    What did your mama tell you to preserve...

  • Freedom (15) 1

    You are a leaf on the wind,
    Floating and flying, never touching down again...

  • How much more time do we have,
    Will it be a million years...

  • Where are we?
    These silhouettes that walk like men...

  • Stillness, akin to time immemorial,
    A character of the past, a deplorable...

  • Why is it never easy, make your heart work with...
    Why can I never conquer my feelings, and leave it...

  • A surprise for certain, for this aging man,
    But I am happy and content, as I hold your tiny...

  • Winter gloom sets in like arthritis in my bones,
    Will it ever release me...

  • I hear the rain pouring down,
    A lovely little melody in this town...