The rocking chair has rocked half a million times,
She has paced nearly three times that...
Holding on,
It was the most selfish thing I ever did...
Birds flock,
The bells of the church ring...
A day or so,
That's all we have...
Life isn't easy,
And I'm nearly beating myself to death...
What is left, after a Greenhouse Effect hurricane?
What can a human eye see after a nuclear blast...
Dear Mommy,
Thank you so much for my life...
Mr. Clive, a slick one is he!
His blood lust he did not attempt to control...
The air, you can not see,
But you can taste it, it has a smell...
I wasn't your real dad, Katie, you had one before...
But this lonely boy was a single, looking for a...
A token of my love,
In the form of this seemingly meaningless, little...
I roam,
I roam, always alone...