Poems by Timothy

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  • Annoyed, troubled and quite irate,
    It's all hopeless, and not merely bound to this...

  • What could the world be,
    If I could flee from this obesity...

  • I know every day can't be perfect,
    But I wish it could be so...

  • I wished, once upon a time,
    For riches and fine diamonds, and impressive cars...

  • Opaque (3)

    Life consisted of an ominous pretense,
    Left alone with the cacophony of my silent...

  • Opening my eyes, relenting the odyssey of dreams...
    I can let go of the nightscapes of horror, to a...

  • You have continued your straightforward course,
    Into the recesses of my inimical, cold heart...

  • The shadow has taken over for so long,
    I am so tired of him wooing me with his desparity...

  • When the light at the end of my tunnel has been...
    How can you say that a bright future is on my...

  • A dreary night,
    It's full of dread...

  • Today the Earth shattered,
    But for some time it has been coming apart a piece...

  • Seeing you, it's the glimmer of a warm fire,
    Smile at me, it's a sight I will never tire...