Annoyed, troubled and quite irate,
It's all hopeless, and not merely bound to this...
What could the world be,
If I could flee from this obesity...
I know every day can't be perfect,
But I wish it could be so...
I wished, once upon a time,
For riches and fine diamonds, and impressive cars...
Life consisted of an ominous pretense,
Left alone with the cacophony of my silent...
Opening my eyes, relenting the odyssey of dreams...
I can let go of the nightscapes of horror, to a...
You have continued your straightforward course,
Into the recesses of my inimical, cold heart...
The shadow has taken over for so long,
I am so tired of him wooing me with his desparity...
When the light at the end of my tunnel has been...
How can you say that a bright future is on my...
A dreary night,
It's full of dread...
Today the Earth shattered,
But for some time it has been coming apart a piece...
Seeing you, it's the glimmer of a warm fire,
Smile at me, it's a sight I will never tire...