
About Karla

"A poem is never finished, only abandoned."
---Paul Valery---

Profile of Karla

  • Age : 1
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : Brazil
  • Joined : Oct 31, 2011
  • Last Visit : 4 years ago
  • Poems : 322
  • Comments : 851
  • Quotes : 30
  • Posts : 1703
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Karla

  • at last
    i can feel again...

  • if you climb silently into my skin
    on a cold windy night...

  • Marielle grew up
    in a slum and started work...

  • what i think of you is unprintable.
    sometimes i think it is deeply unconscious...

  • forgive me but there are some days
    in which the gods can't touch...

Latest Quotes By Karla

  • Touch my most profound skin and I will call this love.And I will call you love.

    10 years ago
    1 0
  • It reaches through my skin and pierces the night saying: I am, I am , I am.

    10 years ago
    0 0
  • What is love but the verb that caught fire?

    10 years ago
    1 0

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