WhEn u SaY u LoVe mE pRoMiZe mE itS tRu |
ThErEz SuMtHin BoUt HiM nO1 eLsE cAn SeE |
.u knO it iS reaL. |
T.r.U.e. S.t.R.e.N.g.T.h. iS bEiNg Ab|E tO [. Ho|d iT a|L tOgEtHeR .] wHeN -EvErYoNe E|Se- iS eXpEcTiNg yOu To ºF a L L . A p A r Tº |
׺Id gIvE mY LiFe׺ |
:: WhEn We'Re ApArT - mY hEaRt JuSt ShAtTeRs :: |
Hes got my heart skippin beats |
Often times we say goodbye to the people we love without wanting to. Though that doesnt mean that we've stopped loving them or stopped caring. Sometimes goodbye is a painful way of saying i love you. |
From nOw til foreva «- |
Too Many Starz In The Skies |