YOu can't see i'm hurting.you dont notice the pain. |
P.r.O.M.i.S.e.S mEaN [EvErYtHiNg] BuT [AfTeR] tHeYrE b.R.o.K.e.N [SoRrY] mEaNs N.o.T.h.I.n.G |
*If U LoVe Me Like U Say U Do... |
×.·´`·.×UnLeSs YoU CaN SeE iNsiDe mY[HeArT] |
You hide all these secrets |
I wAnNa B his rEaSoN 4 wAkIn ^ ..his rEaSoN 4 gOiN tHrU aNoThA dAy. JuS oNcE i WaNnA b ThA 1 bEiN wIsHeD 4.. i WaNt him 2 SaY 2 hImSeLf "Im So LuCkY tO hAvE hEr "...I wAnNa B his eVeRyThIn.... |
BEiNg WiTh yOu mAkEs Me FeEl LiKe.. |
I'll always stand beside u until the very end, wiping all ur tears away n being ur best friend. i'll smile when u smile and feel the pain u do n if u cry a single tear i promise i'll cry too... |