Wouldn`t l i f e be w o n d e r f u l if sweatpants were sexy... |
IT's ThE dAyS WeRe s0 cRaZy PpL tHiNk WeRe HiGh tHe TiMeS WeRe s0 b0rEd We LaUgH TiL wE cRy aLL tHe InSiDe J0KeS n tHe ReMeMbER wHeNs tHeSe aRe tHe ReAsOnS WeLL aLwAyS bE bEsT f R i E n D s |
IT's ThE ((dAyS)) WeRe s0*cRaZy*PpL.tHiNk.WeRe ::HiGh:: tHe \\TiMeS// WeRe s0->b0rEd |
Ur My riTe wEn EvErYtHiNgZ wRoNg |
L0vE is that c.a.n.t eat |
I aiNt ThE sAmE PeRSoN I uSeD 2 BE |
ThErEz SuMtHin BoUt HiM nO1 eLsE cAn SeE |
.u knO it iS reaL. |
T.r.U.e. S.t.R.e.N.g.T.h. iS bEiNg Ab|E tO [. Ho|d iT a|L tOgEtHeR .] wHeN -EvErYoNe E|Se- iS eXpEcTiNg yOu To ºF a L L . A p A r Tº |
׺Id gIvE mY LiFe׺ |