Ode to An Enchantress!!!
Such Beauty, as yours, is a Joy and Pleasure...
Ode to Love...
Ode, to Love, Most Dear Sweet, Mistress of Mine...
Ode to Music!!!
Music, sweet Music, how you thrill me, so...
Ode, to Beauty!!!
Ode, to Beauty, in all of Your Splendor...
Ode, To Goddesses Camille And Lexie!.. (A Sonnet)
Ode, to Goddesses, Camille and Lexie...
Ode, to Infatuation...
Ode, to Infatuation, Fancy, Lust...
Ode, to My Beautiful Flower!!!
Ode, to my beautiful flower...
Ode, to My Love!!!
Ode, to my love, her beauty, oh, so fair...
Ode, To My Muses, Danielle and Tracy!!! (Sonnet)
Ode, to My Muses, Danielle and Tracy...
Ode, to Pleasure!!!
~ A Sonnet...
(This is a poem celebrating those things, that...
Ode, to The Muse...
Ode, to The World's Beautiful Goddesses!!!
How Fair thou art, Perfection, to my eyes...