It's been a few years since I've rattled a...
I became cursed during the month of May, when the...
Feet become fireflies in the night
of hushing, rushing chaos, birds...
I've anointed the crown of a babies
mind with dust from a hearted spirit...
Standing upon suds of
unconscious thoughts...
It doesn't matter how much cinnamon
I sprinkle in the folds of your smile...
By the river a tide is forming,
bathing souls of a wild flower...
Burping and slurping my way through the straw
I find a new dimension, a traveling flaw...
I like to trickle emotions
onto paper that scatter...
I've been burdened with salt and pepper reality,
where gravity devours the physical me, but fantasy...
hearts dangle...
Mason jars consume me,
restricted oxygen...
Seconds tick, tock
in catacombs of nerve...