Quotes by Glenn G

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  • I know a woman who is so sad and dismal that she dry rots the tires on my car every time I give her a ride.

    3 years ago
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  • Love is a fantasy that throws us into a vortex of hopes and dreams stolen by the one we love.

    3 years ago
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  • I have been in love several times. It has a way of sucking the joy and happiness out of you like a vaccum cleaner. I can't recover it once it makes it to the garbage.

    3 years ago
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  • My dream woman told me she loved me, Joe, Jesse, David, John, Bill and a few others I can't remember.

    3 years ago
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  • I wish I could be prescribed by a doctor, put in a bottle, than my love couldn't live without me.

    3 years ago
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  • There is nothing quite like being told how much you are loved for nine years, and then the next day being handed divorce papers.

    3 years ago
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  • A good love is like a rash
    That you don't know where it came from
    You can cover it, medicate it
    But it just won't go away

    2 years ago
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  • Finding love is like trying to grab a handful of Jello from a bowl. It will do everything it can to evade your grip, eventually you'll grab a little, but only enough to make you want more.

    1 year ago
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