Quotes by CathyButterflyJC

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  • Why'd you have to , now I'm stuck trying to figure things out, trying to keep in my head you love me, but all the time I want to scream prove it, because you let me down constantly and make no move to keep your word

    11 years ago
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  • I love you Skyler!!!

    11 years ago
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  • Is love supposed to hurt this much, to have as many let downs as you've thrown at me! Are there supposed to be this many used and crumbled up kleenex surrounding me, where did our love go?

    11 years ago
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  • A girl without her boy, a gal without her lad, a princess without her prince, and a heart without her other half, I love you S, have a safe trip and don't forget me

    11 years ago
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  • Sent the first letter to Skyler June eleventh and am sending the second one tomorrow, I hope he loves it :), because I sure love him :)

    11 years ago
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  • I bleed & bleed & bleed, as soon as I started 2 unshut my heart u disappointment me again, & I trustedU'd b here when U said, I trusted this time was different then the rest & U'd show up, 2 many tears Ive cried, & so much I love U

    11 years ago
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  • This song brought tears to my eyes


    and love this one


    11 years ago
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  • Y does love hurt so much & Y do I fail U so often, Y are these tears on my face as constant as theyre not, Y do I let U down every other day & Y cant the I love u's stay, how do I keep U from walking away &how do I let U no I love you anyway!

    11 years ago
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  • I am dealing with the fact we are never getting back together, even though part of me will always love you, what I always wanted most of all was for you to be happy & now you are, so it's getting better living with the lose of you

    11 years ago
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  • Kleenex after Kleenex piling up on the counter, tears after tear falling like they are chasing the others, pain bolts through me like my whole world has shifted down a windy path where I can't go on but as I step forward I feel another knife in my back!!!

    11 years ago
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