Poems by Unknown

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  • It may sound childish
    like I'm still a school girl...

  • Coal dusted face,
    hardened eyes...

  • The time on the coffee pot said 3:02 AM,
    why does she still wait up for him...

  • Shadiness blurs past inconspicuous strangers,
    a color that isn't seen with the naked eye...

  • Spinning

  • Alchemist (2) 2

    The chemistry that travels
    along my veins and...

  • She began daydreaming of
    clawing through the tunnels...

  • She's whiskey in a teacup
    and he's a greenhouse...

  • And (16) 2

    Between the swirls of you
    and the curves of me...

  • Whispering winds wisp my auburn locks behind my...
    just like you would do if you were here...

  • Perhaps some day
    I'll crawl back...

  • "Forgive me if I cling like
    static, I've just been...