When I was blind and couldn't see
He opened up my eyes and made me free...
It's too late, you've gone
But still I can't keep a step behind...
My heart is weeping,
But you will never come...
This is something I feel I should've not ever...
But keeping such a weight in my brain...
I quit
Only because I am not deserved to stay close...
If you feel your best friend more than a friend,
And if you ever find she loves you but she can't...
I loved to hide in that ocean wave
Though he came to me at an instant I never...
When you can never see me someday
I want you to know something...
My life's darkest moment my eyes just met today
I couldn't recall the words I gathered for you to...
I am not alright...
It's been a long time you left my world
With someone else, whom you thought would have a...
You left me you will never return
Never that I expected, it was all of a sudden...