I miss the winter
and for the first time...
Somehow I felt the urge
to rip myself apart again tonight...
Ever since your voice dispersed my thoughts,
remolding them to fit your desires...
I give in to the urge to pull away dry skin from...
gazing blindly at trees, ermine-drenched...
I have always believed depression lived
within ebony clouds beneath my eyes...
I once found love buried deep
within the greys and blacks outside...
Not a poem. Just something I needed to write and...
No need to comment or rate or read, actually...
I used to find the ocean cradled safely in your...
Perhaps your calm gaze no longer could contain its...
Fingerprints kiss ivory,
composing keys only the eyes...
I remember
a little house in Italy atop a sloping hill...
These hands held a candle
beneath you, hoping to rekindle...