Have mercy on the young that are old enough to understand death yet still too young to have learned from it. |
It is good to reflect yet do not ponder as that is a road into a pit of obsession and depression. |
It's perplexing that a limited few can greatly benefit off of the majorities' fears. |
Procrastination and I have a hate-love relationship. |
Meaningless fornication does not mend a wounded heart. |
It's tough dodging a barrage of bullshit. |
We are all mad; therefore it is not a question of how much of a lunatic we are but how much we're willing to let the crazy out. |
It is good to reflect yet do not ponder as that is a road into a pit of obsession and depression. |
Religion gives way for extreme views and actions to be justified. |
All ideas.... All innovations are planted from a seed of thought; be it from others or from observations from our surroundings. |