Poems by ERS

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  • I was some place I wanted to be, an I had to leave...
    I was some place I wanted to be, an I laughed it...

  • "So many bubbles!" Says the child,
    As grandpa holds the wand in front of a fan...

  • How unbelievably lucky i am to get to know you...
    To have you see me as a whole person...

  • Since when do we have to be vulnerable,
    How did I forget something so fundamental...

  • Horseshoe crabs are heros,
    Heres why theyre yours too...

  • Sitting in my room drinking tea,
    Sifting through pictures and wondering if you ever...

  • I've got books in places where there should be...
    Words scribbled so neatly on my legs they look...

  • I am not sweet,
    I have of venom, teeth, nails, anger...

  • This love it was a candle,
    Burning late nights in my bed...

  • I always hoped one day I'd be too big for bad days
    But as I sit here with this tiny box thats been...