Poems by Mortal Utopia

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  • Yesterday, I had a dream.
    And in that dream...

  • You once told me how
    when you're alone...

  • I still had so much to say
    between our stunted farewells...

  • pastel 3

    you'd paint your sadness
    in pastel colours...

  • Our voices fell silent.
    On your side of the world...

  • Poodle (1) 1

    With me as a poodle
    and you being you...

  • You told me she died peacefully -
    With her lips slightly stretched...

  • Your songs, its melodies lining like silk
    the darkness between rays upon rays of starlight...

  • Promise (3) 3

    You know,
    you've made me...

  • Raindrops (2) 2

    How are you? My wise, unmoving friend.
    You, whose leaves today hold - carefully...

  • Reasons.
    and demons. and the things you call treason...

  • I still wish and whisper, hope and plea
    (with every shooting star I pretend to see...