I heard some rumors i shouldn't have believe.
I should have listen to my guts...
You and me are like peas in a pod.
Always together like sisters...
He no longer is in my mind.
He's not even a thought in my brain...
I couldn't bare the way he first hurted me.
I thought my life was being crushed right before...
You were the one who taught me to love
Told me how to see life differently...
I miss him so much.
I wish he never left my family...
Lost in my ways.
Met you and took me from the haze...
My life was nothing.
But, now its something...
I'm hating the bruises you left me.
I'm hating the blood you leave me...
I'm waiting for happiness to arrive.
But i guess I'm too late...
The heart stops pumping.
No more pain or hurt...
Nothing but sadness.
Nothing but tears...