Poems by Jewel Cook

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  • Brokenhearted she watches their friendship fade.
    Knowing there's nothing she can do...

  • Broken again she sits alone.
    She thought he cared...

  • It takes control like a disease.
    Only letting you feel sadness...

  • Done 1

    How did we get here again.
    We're back where we started...

  • Through out the day I think about it.
    All that happened between us...

  • Her heart is broken.
    She can feel nothing at all...

  • You said you weren't like the rest,
    that you wouldn't leave...

  • I'm sorry for being so clingy.
    I'm sorry that I always get mad at you...

  • What happened to us?
    How could such a precious...

  • Lately it doesn't feel like you care.
    That I'm no longer important in your life...

  • Making me smile at the thought of you.
    Who knew I could be so happy...

  • What did I do wrong?
    I tried so hard to keep this friendship strong...