No limits,
You ready...
I drink the blood of an immortal catastrophe;
This sweet taste outlines my delicate lips...
I return to my open window. The place where I lost...
*Authors note* I dedicate this poem to the Real...
Shadows are long in this luminescent moonlight.
Dark figures surround me like miss-shaped...
She grabbed her teddy and held it tight.
And walked her way, bare-footed into the night...
I shall fight till death
Thou art worthy of...
Thy flower of the east, and thy flower of
The west. Bring forth your bloom. Such...
The grass sways in wind. One way
In one way out. I stand at the entrance...
Sea of forgotten tears, drown my soul that I might...
Feel compassion again for those who are lost in...
Sing for me thy beautiful song.
Songs of peace and love...
Bring forth the sun to this place of darkness.
Let her tears be transformed in to joyous...
That girl you bullied today
She can't take it no more...