Esther, what a knockout!
King Ahasuerus, from his harem did pick a Queen...
Jesus had a date.
One day to Samaria he did go, to a gentile woman...
No, never alone!
I was a sad lad you could say, from a broken...
Get out of the bars, look at the stars, what do...
its hue. The songbird sings its tune, the melody...
Bonita means beautiful, but not always, a poem.
A woman I knew years ago, her name was Bonita...
Let the rivers flow, a poem
I hear your voice in your poem, how dry I am...
Food for thoughts, a poem.
Where do thoughts come from Lord, where do they...
Hosea and his wife, a poem.
(God told his Prophet Hosea to marry a Harlot...
Be still and know that I Am, a poem.
As the sun was waning, growing dim, in my solitude...
We have a new grandson, a poem.
A new grandson have we, his name is Grayson...
The only Son of the magnificent one, a poem.
Who is this Son you ask of me? He is Jesus, sent...
To Todd, the son we never knew, a poem...