Esther, what a knockout!
King Ahasuerus, from his harem did pick a Queen...
Evil verses Good
They are totally opposite yet exist together, and...
Take this day, and make it go your way, no fuss...
Finding my brother Bob
That sweltering hot August day I walked into that...
Finger nails, toe nails, forget the snails!
I have a tale to tell, I know that some finger...
FIRST KISS (haiku)
eyes widen, motion...
You can call me sparky and that's no malarkey, I...
Food for thoughts, a poem.
Where do thoughts come from Lord, where do they...
For the good times.
Life seems to come and go, like the tide with its...
Forgetting What Lies Behind, a Poem
Sometimes I think of years gone by, forgetting...
Friend or foe?
How you took pleasure with us being together those...
That cursed word when a *romance comes to an end...