Yesterday's un-mentionables are today's mentionables, a more appropriate name for it would be "The death of Shame". |
Something is wrong when your latest love is; yourself! |
Strange, when you have said it all; you find your self alone! |
When you ask the question; where is God, it begs the question; where are you! |
Hey guys, love your neighbor and his wife, but don't love her too much! |
When it comes to learning, nobody beats repetition as the best Teacher! |
A true Poet can bring out many deep issues of the Soul, crush it into darkness and despair, or raise it to new heights of joy, without a care. |
When you smile when you don't want to; the only one it deceives is yourself! |
Knowledge may be Power, but without the Wisdom to use it, it's useless! |
Naivety is bliss, but it quickly flees after your first kiss! |