Today was yesterday's dream
Tomorrow is tonight's nightmare...
This blank page is full of memories
ones of me, ones of you...
I build my walls up high,
Just to sit and watch as you try to knock them...
It seems so normal now,
Not to think of myself, but you...
I feel so bad nowadays,
Not knowing you...
I'll be leaving soon.
I'm fleeing state...
Everyday it gets easier, yet I continue to die
Seeing that you left me for her...
Soo...Last Night, was the worst night of your life...
Well, When you decided to hang yourself...
Young child, this is hard for me to say,
But you're reminding me of my drunken father...
This new person...he isn't nice,
He doesn't tell you that you're beautiful...
Lately, it sounds as if you've suffered great hell
I know I just met you...
Hey you, yeah you, that kid over there!
You look pretty normal to me...