Poems by layla

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  • Shes a child at heart, a free spirit indeed
    So sad and lost, many tears she bleeds...

  • Who do we turn too, who do we blame
    The battlefield sight, of souls killed in vain...

  • A glass that shatters, falls to the floor
    My emotions run red, feelings of war...

  • Born in a country, where the mountains rule
    Where getting a wife, cost the price of a mule...

  • I moved far away, to make a new life
    I met a nice guy, and now I'm his wife...

  • The dark blue color, the oceans hold
    Is no surprise, why the touch is cold...

  • Oh dear Karen, your talent unique
    your voice beautiful, calm, and sweet...

  • When little girls, we shared the same clothes
    When little girls, we painted are toes...

  • The love that would burn, in the depths of my soul...
    Now hollow and empty, the dark black hole...

  • You promised so much, each promise embedded
    My heart and my soul, the feelings I've dreaded...

  • That feeling you get, on a Christmas Eve night
    You wish and pray, that your morning is white...

  • What ever the case, heart break or death
    The riveting feeling, stops even your breath...