Poems by MyHalozChokinMe

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  • You didn't ask me
    "how are you?&quot...

  • My love for you
    is as simple as black and white...

  • I wonder what you
    see in her...

  • I want you to lay me down and make love
    to me all day and night. You're kind of...

  • Sugared orange slices, lemon pops-
    You are my gingerbread house and I...

  • You always want what you don't have and fail to...
    ~An epigram is a very short poem, usually two or...

  • I miss you like I miss California thunderstorms...
    because the storms there are unparalleled: you...

  • You put on this illusion that you wear
    perfection around your neck...

  • My name is not important.
    I was born merely as one more human being on this...

  • Another "bad" idea
    shuffling in my head...

  • ~I wrote this awhile ago, so it is not something I...
    He asked me if he'd ever touched my heart, let me...

  • Make sure to mix scrupulously:
    14 oz of difficult strife...