I don't need you to hold my hand
or sing me to sleep. I know loneliness...
You are a Shakespearean behemoth
and I just a peddler's Haiku...
Each scar, each indentation-
Reminders of an altered self...
You are the place where time stands
still and I can spend the night...
Razorblades jive across my tender flesh
as you dig your way inside me, deep...
Fumbling through files,
I come upon an ancient artifact...
When I am overwhelmed by my tenderness for you, my
attempts at language prove futile, my words become...
She stands before the mirror again,
her threaded seashell spine twisted...
You wish you knew what I know, that you
had what I do, that you could go where...
My love for you
is as simple as black and white...
"I don't have anything,"
you declare as you lay your...
I'm six pairs of the same cut, color and style of...
I'm two weeks of long, lazy vacation and short...