Lights blaze the midnight sky
With different color's and shape's of every kind...
I felt an unknown sound within my chest
I thought that maybe I just wasn't at my best...
Time tell's me what can't be seen
As I try to listen to everything around me...
My life isn't perfect, and it's definitely not the...
I don't seem to assert myself, and there is a pain...
I fell within a darkness that felt like eternity
blinded by the countless choices I had made...
For what seemed forever had last a moment, and
the word's that had been spoken meant nothing...
My heart screamed out as I looked for comfort
As I stretched myself thin with no pillow's or...
What do you want
leave me alone can't you see...
Recorded, and played over and over
An endless replay of the burden's we shoulder...
These night's seem to last forever
Like the darkness within my troubled heart...
The aroma of lavender, and sweet smell of spring.
Held me and you together with the help of red...
Is this life, the life for me
Even though love is not, but hearts do speak...