Poems by Someone Invisible

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  • I wonder why the sky goes blue,
    Really I haven't the slightest clue...

  • Myself (3)

    I put on this face today,
    so that I didn't have to feel ashamed...

  • I can't do it again
    I'll never be someones side show...

  • We talked about being together
    but thank god never about forever...

  • Love is a seductive lure to a thing called...
    Reeling you in with whispers of tomorrows...

  • I drive to many places.
    I meet many people...

  • He was the last
    there are no more...

  • My face is cold and
    I reach up to find it wet...

  • I live my life on my knees.
    "You live your life on your knees; a sex joke...

  • A little girl looking through a grown woman's...
    vulnerable and alone she hides away her heart...

  • Lavishly flourished hills rolling softly
    a cool night's early spring breeze...

  • Please let's play a game
    and act like life's the same...