Poems by xxOutcastQueenxx

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  • Me (5)

    Hiding crying living a lie never showing what I...

  • Can you see me?
    Do you hear me laugh...

  • Believing things so different.
    You told her you would never leave...

  • What people see of me is just an act a mask...

  • Hes that solider on the front line the one im...
    Afraid they will get the call that says hes been...

  • There will come a day where I vanish from your...

  • A broken promise is all I've known. People say I...

  • Summer's sun does not wake me with its warmth.
    Fall's leaves of different color do not make...

  • Ive been pushed away only to be brought back again...

  • Head up.
    Hold on...

  • The damge has been done now its an addiction. It...
    Not caring if the blood gets everywhere. Not...

  • Like a story begining with once upon a time this...