Quotes by Yatubeera Resty

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  • "For the pains of Love are not what one goes through but what the heart fails to accept while holding an illusion"

    8 years ago
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  • "Am hunted by the future, wondering what choices and decisions I will have to make with time... It scares me to know I will never really know until it has a past upon which I look on merely"

    8 years ago
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  • "Truth is, as humans we cannot handle the truth. Even when we are telling it to ourselves.... All we prefer is to hide our selfishness in love crusades while excusing our proud selves in character. Its who we are and want others to be"

    8 years ago
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  • "Decide who you are before you make any plans, for a man's path is not walked by feet but by the mind. By it you can travel as far as your eyes cannot see, go beyond boundaries and dream as much"

    8 years ago
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  • "Until we fully understand our Actions, we can never Correct our Mistakes"

    8 years ago
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  • If happiness coud be bought, life woud have no meaning

    10 years ago
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  • Learn to live life like its a passing wind

    10 years ago
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  • Am the master of my thoughts, courage and strength. I decide how to use any

    11 years ago
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  • Our living is determined by what we belive it is

    11 years ago
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  • In life, always pick up the pieces and move on

    11 years ago
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